The Arcadian Chronicles Discord Server

Long before the Golden Gate Bridge became a symbol of westward expansion, a different kind of journey brought jujutsu to American shores. Amaterasu Sugawara, brother Michizane, wasn't content with a life of courtly pursuits. Driven by a yearning for adventure and a whisper of cursed energy emanating from the West, Amaterasu embarked on a daring voyage across the Pacific. The untamed lands of North America pulsed with a unique strain of cursed energy, a twisted reflection of the continent's raw energy, its vast emptiness, and the violence that had marked its history. It was here that the Sugawara bloodline would mix with that of the natives, and become the wellspring of American Jujutsu. Over many years and throughout the expansion of North America into the United States as we know them today, Jujutsu has remained - passed down from generation to generation and spread throughout a small but powerful group in America. Seeing the need for a more powerful presence in the West, the Tokyo branch of Jujutsu sorcerers set out with both funds and knowledge, to finally and officially establish a school for Jujutsu in America - The Golden Gate Jujutsu Academy. Instead of succumbing to the city's vibrant chaos, this sect chose a different locale; Fortified by history and shrouded in an aura of mystery, they claimed Fort Point as their base, a veil placed over the location and all non-sorcerers who enter. This squat, granite sentinel stands on the precipice of the Golden Gate, its cannons long silent. Now, the Academy's students stand watch within its walls, the first line of defense in a hidden war for the soul of a nation.

114 days ago

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